""" wc rc2.py: Backend for WHOZ CHILLIN hackathon project """ # Random shit we need to import import os, sys from dronekit import connect, VehicleMode, LocationGlobalRelative # This sys.path.insert is needed to direct WHOZ CHILLIN to the mavlink-solo-master rather than pymavlink. # This is commented out to run on Solo, I think. # sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/danielmckinnon/Documents/hackathon/mavlink-solo-master') from pymavlink import mavutil # Needed for command message definitions import time import math import argparse import urllib # Constants EARTH_RADIUS = 6371010.0 MAVLINK_GIMBAL_SYSTEM_ID = 1 MAVLINK_GIMBAL_COMPONENT_ID = 154 # Matrix of WHOZ CHILLIN locations CHILLIN_locales = { "DANSROOF": LocationGlobalRelative(37.866115, -122.301144, 100), "TACOTRUCK": LocationGlobalRelative(37.872848, -122.301515, 100), "BALLIN": LocationGlobalRelative(37.872355, -122.29756, 100), "SKATIN": LocationGlobalRelative(37.881031, -122.303447, 100), "THREEDR": LocationGlobalRelative(37.873424, -122.302561, 100), } # Matrix Arducopter failsafe behaviors FS_tables = { 0: "Disabled", 1: "Enabled, always RTL", 2: "Enabled, continue with Mission in Auto", 3: "Enabled, always land", } #Math to determine distance between two locations on earth def getDistanceFromPoints(a, b): # Get the difference between our two points then convert the difference into radians nDLat = math.radians(a.lat - b.lat) nDLon = math.radians(a.lon - b.lon) fromLat = math.radians(b.lat) toLat = math.radians(a.lat) lat2 = math.sin(nDLat/2) * math.sin(nDLat/2) long2 = math.sin(nDLon/2) * math.sin(nDLon/2) nA = lat2 + math.cos(fromLat) * math.cos(toLat) * long2 nC = 2 * math.atan2( math.sqrt(nA), math.sqrt( 1 - nA )) nD = EARTH_RADIUS * nC return nD # Function to take a full resolution GoPro picture that will be stored on the SD card. GoPro must be in Photo mode or a video will be taken. def take_a_pic(): print "take_a_pic()" msg = vehicle.message_factory.gopro_set_request_encode(MAVLINK_GIMBAL_SYSTEM_ID, MAVLINK_GIMBAL_COMPONENT_ID, mavutil.mavlink.GOPRO_COMMAND_SHUTTER, (1, 0, 0, 0)) print "msg: ", msg vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) vehicle.flush() print "sent message: ", msg def take_live_pic(): # Run "solo video acquire" # Run "solo video restore" to restore live stream # Run "modprobe mxc_v4l2_capture" at every startup gst-launch tvsrc device=/dev/video0 ! jpegenc ! tcpserversink port=5000 sync=false def horizon_point(): vehicle.flush() msg = vehicle.message_factory.mount_configure_encode( 0, 1, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_MAVLINK_TARGETING, #mount_mode 1, # stabilize roll 1, # stabilize pitch 1, # stabilize yaw ) vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) vehicle.flush() msg = vehicle.message_factory.mount_control_encode( 0, 1, # target system, target component 0*100, # pitch is in centidegrees 0.0, # roll 0, # yaw is in centidegrees 0 # save position ) print "mavlink message is:", msg vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) vehicle.flush() def nadir_point(): vehicle.flush() msg = vehicle.message_factory.mount_configure_encode( 0, 1, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_MOUNT_MODE_MAVLINK_TARGETING, #mount_mode 1, # stabilize roll 1, # stabilize pitch 1, # stabilize yaw ) vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) vehicle.flush() msg = vehicle.message_factory.mount_control_encode( 0, 1, # target system, target component -90*100, # pitch is in centidegrees 0.0, # roll 0, # yaw is in centidegrees 0 # save position ) print "mavlink message is:", msg vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) vehicle.flush() # Connect to vehicle. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Print out vehicle state information. Connects to SITL on local PC by default.') parser.add_argument('--connect', default='', help="vehicle connection target. Default ''") parser.add_argument('--chillin', default='DANSROOF', help="WHOZ CHILLIN target. Default: DANSROOF. Options: TACOTRUCK, SKATIN, BALLIN") args = parser.parse_args() user_CHILLIN = CHILLIN_locales[args.chillin] print "user_CHILLIN is: ", user_CHILLIN # Connect to the Vehicle. # Set `wait_ready=True` to ensure default attributes are populated before `connect()` returns. print "\nConnecting to vehicle on: %s" % args.connect vehicle = connect(args.connect, wait_ready=True) # Get Vehicle Home location - will be `None` until first set by autopilot while not vehicle.home_location: cmds = vehicle.commands cmds.download() cmds.wait_ready() if not vehicle.home_location: print " Waiting for home location ..." # We have a home location, so print it! print "\n Home location: %s" % vehicle.home_location # Switch GoPro to photo mode print("Switching to photo") msg = vehicle.message_factory.gopro_set_request_encode(MAVLINK_GIMBAL_SYSTEM_ID, MAVLINK_GIMBAL_COMPONENT_ID, mavutil.mavlink.GOPRO_COMMAND_CAPTURE_MODE, (1, 0, 0, 0)) print("msg:", msg) vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) vehicle.flush() # Point gimbal to horizon horizon_point() print "Gimbal pointed toward horizon" # Set vehicle RTL behavior so it can complete a mission with returning home print "FS_THR_ENABLE was: ", FS_tables[vehicle.parameters['FS_THR_ENABLE']] vehicle.parameters['FS_THR_ENABLE'] = 0 print "FS_THR_ENABLE is", FS_tables[vehicle.parameters['FS_THR_ENABLE']] # Make WHOZ CHILLIN Solo get there fast print "WPNAV_SPEED: %d cm/s" % vehicle.parameters['WPNAV_SPEED'] vehicle.parameters['WPNAV_SPEED'] = 2000 print "WPNAV_SPEED %d cm/s" % vehicle.parameters['WPNAV_SPEED'] # Set mode to LOITER print "Set mode=LOITER (currently: %s) and wait for callback" % vehicle.mode.name vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("LOITER") while vehicle.mode != VehicleMode('LOITER'): print 'waiting for callback...' time.sleep(1) print "Arming vehicle" vehicle.armed = True while not vehicle.armed: print 'waiting for arming...' time.sleep(1) print "vehicle is armed!" print '' # Set mode to GUIDED print "Set mode=GUIDED (currently: %s) and wait for callback" % vehicle.mode.name vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("GUIDED") while vehicle.mode != VehicleMode('GUIDED'): print 'waiting for callback...' time.sleep(1) # # Retry a few times because why not # print 'taking off' # i = 5 # while i > 0: # vehicle.simple_takeoff(100.0) # time.sleep(1) # i -= 1 vehicle.simple_takeoff(100) time.sleep(5) # Point gimbal toward nadir nadir_point() print "Gimbal pointed toward nadir." while vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt<0.95*100: print "Climbing to missions altitude: ", vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt print user_CHILLIN time.sleep(1) print '' print 'Attempting to navigate to location ', user_CHILLIN # Navigate to CHILLIN location vehicle.simple_goto(user_CHILLIN) # Wait until vehicle gets there while getDistanceFromPoints(vehicle.location.global_frame, user_CHILLIN) > 2: print "In transit. CQ will arrive shortly." print vehicle.location.global_frame print user_CHILLIN print getDistanceFromPoints(vehicle.location.global_frame, user_CHILLIN) time.sleep(2) # Take four pictures from four different headings of CHILLIN location print("Imaging CHILLIN location in process.") angles = [0, 90, 180, 270] for i in angles: msg = vehicle.message_factory.command_long_encode( 0, 0, # target system, target component mavutil.mavlink.MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW, #command 0, #confirmation i, # param 1, yaw in degrees 45, # param 2, yaw speed deg/s 1, # param 3, direction -1 ccw, 1 cw 0, # param 4, relative offset 1, absolute angle 0 0, 0, 0) # param 5 ~ 7 not used # send command to vehicle vehicle.send_mavlink(msg) vehicle.flush() time.sleep(5) take_a_pic() time.sleep(5) vehicle.simple_goto(CHILLIN_locales["THREEDR"]) # Point gimbal to horizon horizon_point() print "Gimbal pointed toward horizon" # Wait until vehicle gets there while getDistanceFromPoints(vehicle.location.global_frame, CHILLIN_locales["THREEDR"]) > 2: print " In transit" print vehicle.location.global_frame print CHILLIN_locales["THREEDR"] print getDistanceFromPoints(vehicle.location.global_frame, CHILLIN_locales["THREEDR"]) time.sleep(2) print "Returning to launch" vehicle.mode = VehicleMode("RTL") #PRECISION LAND # Return vehicle failsafe behavior to default vehicle.parameters['FS_THR_ENABLE'] = 1 print "FS_THR_ENABLE has been returned to:", FS_tables[vehicle.parameters['FS_THR_ENABLE']] # Return speed to normal print "WPNAV_SPEED: %d cm/s" % vehicle.parameters['WPNAV_SPEED'] vehicle.parameters['WPNAV_SPEED'] = 1000 print "WPNAV_SPEED %d cm/s" % vehicle.parameters['WPNAV_SPEED'] #Close vehicle object before exiting script print "\nClose vehicle object" vehicle.close() print("Completed") # To begin SITL, run "dronekit-sitl copter-3.3 --home=37.873894,-122.302141,584,353" from the terminal # Boot up MavProxy using "mavproxy.py --master=tcp: --out=udpout: --out=udpout: --out=udpout:" # The first UDP out is for an my Android tablet so I can use Tower, the second is this Python script, and the third is for Tim's Tower Web # Connect the tablet to the WiFi network and and connect to the drone over UDP # Run "tower udpin:" from the terminal # Run "python wc1.py --connect" # To begin real vehicle testing with DroneKit Python running on the computer # Connect to Solo's WiFi network # mavproxy.py --master=udpin: --out=udpout: --out=udpout: --out=udpout: # I HAVE NO IDEA WHY SOLO'S IP IS and not # The first UDP out is for an my Android tablet so I can use Tower, the second is this Python script, and the third is for Tim's Tower Web # Connect the tablet to the WiFi network and and connect to the drone over UDP # Run "tower udpin:" from the terminal # Run "python wc1.py --connect"