Reporting from my first University of Colorado Alumni Association board meeting

Since graduating from the University of Colorado (three times!), I’ve been somewhat flabbergasted how few touches I’ve gotten from the University. While peers at other institutions have gotten invitations to 5 year reunions, calendars, red books updating them as to their classmates whereabouts, and other frequent reminders not to forget their almae matres, I feel relatively forgotten. I get a monthly magazine, The Coloradan, a few untargeted emails here and there, and occasional invites to not particularly compelling events in San Francisco. That said, growing up in Boulder and attending CU for probably too many years, I do feel a sense of pride anchored in the University and I know that if the alumni association is not engaging with me, they are probably not engaging with my peers as well. And, now is the time to begin a relationship with one’s alma mater. Recent graduates have fresh positive memories from college, maintain a social network around college friends, and are relatively free from the burdens of real adult life.

So I decided to do something. I applied to serve on the Alumni Association Board and share some of my thoughts with the Marketing Committee. I wasn’t sure what to expect for my first meeting, but I am happy to report those expectations have been blown out of the water. While it apparently is a relatively recent transition, the CU Alumni Association is now being run like a Silicon Valley tech company. The OKRs Google (and 3DR!) is so famous for using to benchmark its employees are in full force at the Alumni Association. The impact of events and publications are quantitatively measured and those results are used to feedback into planning for the next iteration. While this effort is still nascent, I have full confidence that these types of organizational metrics will allow the CU Alumni Association to become the best in the country.

What does this mean for other young alumni? Hopefully, we will begin to reach you in more targeted, meaningful avenues. Not a day drinking football fan? You won’t get invited to the Saturday watch party at Tupelo. Huge skier? You will get reminded and connected to other Buffs in your area for pre-Crested Butte ski trip planning. Stay tuned for more action and Go Buffs!
